Ministry Facilitator: Angelin Bina Nokku

Prayer Facilitator: Leena Saladi


Fellowship – Equip women to grow in relationship with Christ through prayer, Bible study and fellowship.

Leadership– Empower women to use their spiritual gifts to serve and reach others for Christ realizing their identity in Christ and use their God given potential so as to provide leadership at different levels.

Partnership– Engage in the vision of UESI/ OFUESI and its needs and extend support accordingly. (Praying, Supporting, Mentoring and conducting Bible Studies likewise)

Companionship – Encourage women to fulfill their responsibilities in their families and in companionship with their spouses, involve in the extension of HIS Kingdom


  1. Meeting for Bible study ONCE a month
  2. Personal sharing times to encourage one another and learn from each other.
  3. Group prayer time for various needs of the ministry as well as personal needs.
  4. One on one fellowship time over the phone
  5. To start local women’s OFUESI Fellowship cells
  6. To start OFUESI regional women’s fellowship meets on what’s app
  7. Getting information about International students, especially girls from local universities and praying for them.
  8. Having discussions on the trends, needs and challenges of students to guide and support them
  9. Discussing topics like owning the ministry, balancing family and ministry,  maintaining healthy relationships. Disciplining own children, discovering gifts and talents likewise.

Zoom Meeting time: Every Monday 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST/ 6:00 PM PST

Third Saturday ~1hr 15mins 11:00 AM EST/10:00 AM CST/ 8:00 AM PST

         To provide instruction and teaching regarding the Christian woman’s responsibility according to the principles found in Titus 2:3-5.

For more information, please contact Angelin Bina Nokku